All Posts By Owen

4 Job Industries That Rely on Water Treatment Systems


Many of us take clean, safe drinking water for granted. We turn on the tap, stick a glass under the running water, and drink up without another thought. We never have to wonder if we’re drinking heavy metals, bacteria, pollutants, or other contaminants that can harm our health and lead to grave sickness due to waterborne diseases.

But that’s not true all over the world—or even in our own country. In fact, there are many places and industries that rely on water treatment systems in order to filter water and make it potable and safe to drink.

Here are four industries that need water treatment systems.

9 Ways to Learn More About Cars for the Automotive Specialist


If you’re buying a used car or just curious about your existing car, then you can learn a lot from your vehicle identification number. VINs provide you with essential details about your car that help mechanics make repairs and protect your investment when buying a used car.

This blog post takes an in-depth look at all the information you can learn from your car’s VIN.

How to Get Into Public Relations As a Career


PR is reputation management. It’s marketing and promotions. It’s brand-building. It’s about knowing what moves to make, when to make them, and how to present a message. Public relations, fortunately, has low barriers of entry. Anyone can start in PR. This is what makes the competition so high. If you’re serious about it, here is your best chance.

How to Investigate Employee Misconduct


When employee misconduct is suspected, an employer wants a timely, documented investigation to determine the truth. If the allegations cannot be proved and an employee is terminated, it could lead to an employer having to defend themselves in court, potentially losing millions in wrongful termination, defamation, and other charges.

Employee misconduct investigations must be carried out correctly, preferably by corporate investigation services you trust. Here is how to investigate employee misconduct.

10 Financial Advisor Duties and Responsibilities


Financial advisors help clients make informed decisions about their financial futures. They support individuals planning for retirement, managing investments, or saving more effectively. By understanding what these professionals do, clients can better utilize their services to achieve financial goals.

Financial advisors have various responsibilities. They assess clients’ financial situations and develop investment strategies. Let’s learn about the different financial advisor duties and responsibilities.

10 Tips to Have the Perfect Telephone Interview


You have managed to get past the first hurdle, your resume has impressed the hiring manager enough for them to invite you to join them for an interview. But wait, this interview is going to be over the phone. How you prepare for a telephone interview is different than how you would prepare for an in-person one.

Phone interviews are increasingly becoming the first step in screening job candidates. Considering that employers may screen as many as 100 candidates during phone interviews, it’s important to know that the purpose of the phone call may be to eliminate you as a potential candidate in order to create a more manageable shortlist.

So how do you get past the phone call and make it to a face-to-face interview? The following ten tips will help you avoid common mistakes that can jeopardize your job search.