If you’ve never had to call a plumber before, it can be a somewhat daunting process, especially since the local news often shows a lot of horror stories portraying the scamming plumber who overcharge for the services they provide. There are a lot of factors you need to consider before you start looking up plumbers in a trades directory, their reputation being a huge factor. Their reputation should be clear through their reviews and the image they give off through their professional website.
Here are a few other things you will want to take into consideration before hiring a plumber:
1. Make sure they have their license
There are a few plumbers out there that actually operate without a license. It isn’t enough to take a plumber’s word for it, you actually need to look them up in a local government database, plumbing or trades organization, or an advocacy group that would show an authenticity of licensing. Even if this plumber happens to be the best unlicensed plumber of all time, their work may not pass inspection, so avoid their use at all costs.
2. A fair and reliable quote
While an experienced plumber may be reluctant (or flat-out unwilling) to offer you a free estimate, a general reputable plumbing company often will. They also should be conducting an on-site inspection at your house before providing an estimate. This estimate should also be fair and not immediately raise red flags. Make sure you ask the plumber whether or not the estimate they give you is actually the total cost.
Sometimes, as the job goes on, a disreputable plumber will try to tack on additional costs you weren’t expecting or charge an unexpected hourly rate. It’s also important to understand when they expect the money from you, whether it’s upfront or they expect payment after a number of weeks.
3. Professionalism is very important
The plumber you hire should have a personable tone over the phone and in person. While most may not have a bank teller personality, they certainly shouldn’t leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. They should also take scheduling very seriously and show up to your house within the time frame that they set over the phone. Traffic, issues on a previous job, or other outstanding issues may cause them to be late to the appointment.
When this happens, they should at the very least give you a courtesy call. If online reviews show a pattern of dissatisfaction with a plumber’s scheduling, you may want to move on.
4. Clean-up
A plumber should treat your house with respect by cleaning up after the job is done. They should not be leaving garbage around the house, loose bolts or parts they no longer need, and if they dirty the floors with their boots or make some other kind of mess, they should bring it upon themselves to make sure that all messes are cleaned. If previous customers write complaints either on the plumber’s website or on Google reviews, then maybe you will want to move on.
Above all, you want to be sure that the plumber you are hiring is good enough to get the job done with the least amount of trouble. The best way to weed out the terrible options is to read reviews. A few negative reviews may just be some unfavorable anecdotal experiences.