Facing criminal charges is always difficult, especially if you approach the situation alone. Even if you’re innocent, there are a lot of nuances involved in proving your side of the story. Unless you’re familiar with all the legal risks and obstacles, it doesn’t make sense to risk defending yourself.
Between the trial, paperwork, gathering evidence and building your defense, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and hopeless. This blog post examines at five reasons why you should get a criminal lawyer to help you fight your case!
1. They’re Familiar With The Legal System
Even if you feel confident in your capacity to express yourself in court, you’re still at a major disadvantage when it comes to knowledge about the law. The prosecution will use all the legal nuances available to them to build their case against you. It’s impossible to familiarize yourself with the law as much as a 20+ year professional has.
In addition to actual knowledge about the law, criminal lawyers are familiar with the judges, prosecutors and other people involved in court cases. These existing relationships make it easy for your lawyer to negotiate a deal on your behalf. It’s harder to cut a favorable deal if you’re representing yourself or working with a lawyer who isn’t an active part of the industry.
2. They Can Execute A Strong Defense
If you’re innocent and you decide to represent yourself, the best thing you can do is tell the truth. Unfortunately, being truthful isn’t enough to prove your side of the story in the court of law. Each criminal case has its own nuances that require the professional insight of a lawyer.
Criminal lawyers can adjust your defense to match the existing circumstances of the case. Your lawyer can conduct independent investigations and even help negotiate ways to resolve the issue outside of court. Criminal lawyers can take all factors of your case into consideration and craft a compelling defense.
Another reason to work with a criminal lawyer is they can help you develop your mental defense. Fighting a case is difficult, especially if you’re unsure of the outcome. Your lawyer can put things in perspective, which will help you manage your emotions. Having a lawyer on your side is a good way to make the best out of a bad situation.
3. They Help You Take Immediate Action
Waiting is one of the most dangerous things you can do when fighting a criminal case. Being proactive reflects better on you as a defendant and increases your chances of success. Taking immediate action gives the procession less time to build their case against you.
Unfortunately, being proactive is no good if you don’t know what to prepare for. A criminal lawyer will help you strengthen your case and give you guidance on prompt actions that you can take.
Another reason to work with a criminal lawyer is they have a staff to handle paperwork. Your lawyer’s staff can help you with tracking down witnesses, preparing documents and finding experts to testify on your behalf. Having this attention to detail on your side skyrockets your chances of success.
4. They Can Guide You Through Damage Control
Depending on the severity of your case, damage control may be an important factor. Without a lawyer, law enforcement can contact you directly and without representation. Direct contact with law enforcement often pressures people into making hasty, uninformed decisions under pressure.
When you work with a criminal lawyer, everyone involved in the case will have to contact your lawyer first. This allows you to run every decision you make past your lawyer, which significantly increases your chances of success. Negotiating on your own puts you at a significant disadvantage when dealing with the police or court officials.