Not everyone perfectly understands what Artificial Intelligence is, what it can do, and what it can’t do. Even though AI keeps evolving, robots are not going to take over the world anytime soon.
However, not everyone who is afraid that robots might take their job one day is wrong. Artificial Intelligence is already being used to handle different repetitive tasks, and it will certainly be used to replace some human workers in the future.
What jobs will AI replace? Read on to see 15 jobs that could eventually be taken by intelligent robots and computers:
1. Factory worker jobs
Factory jobs are repetitive, and can even be dangerous. Robots have already taken many of these jobs, and they will certainly keep replacing human factory workers in the future. Factory jobs in construction and manufacturing should easily be handled by AI.
2. Telemarketer jobs
Telemarketing is one of the jobs that will be replaced by AI in the future. Telemarketers don’t need a lot of emotional intelligence to make sales calls, and let’s be honest here: even the best telemarketer out there doesn’t generate a lot of direct sales. But telemarketing still does exist, and AI has already started to take over this job.
3. Bookkeeping jobs
Bad news for bookkeeping clerks: this job has already started to be automated, and many of these jobs will be replaced by AI in the future. Many software can take care of bookkeeping, and AI is more reliable and more affordable than human workers in this field.
4. Advertising sales jobs
Advertising is moving away from traditional media, and toward social media and the internet in general. As a consequence, the job of advertising salespeople is changing, and many aspects of this job are already being automated. If you want to advertise something online, it only makes sense to deal with an app or a website to pay for your ads.
5. Customer support jobs
Customer service automation is becoming very popular thanks to chatbots, and more companies are expected to turn to this option in the future. Unlike human workers who need to sleep and to take breaks, AI is always available to provide support to customers and to answer their questions.
6. Receptionist jobs
Some modern companies have already replaced their human receptionists with Artificial Intelligence. Automated phone, scheduling and touchscreen systems can do everything a human receptionist can do: greet customers, answer calls, schedule appointments, and more.
7. Retail sales jobs
Today, many people don’t need human interaction when they are shopping. In fact, many people prefer researching the information they need online before making a purchase, and they don’t want to deal with a salesperson when they go to the store. You can expect a lot of jobs that will be replaced by AI in the retail sector.
8. Cashier jobs
Some stores are already offering self-checkout to their customers, and new technologies should allow AI to take over the job of cashiers. This boring and repetitive task can be handled by AI, which can in fact be more effective and reliable than human cashiers.
9. Proofreader jobs
If you have heard of proofreading software, you should understand why human proofreaders might not be needed anymore in the future. It’s already possible to use a proofreading software to check your spelling and your grammar, and those software will surely evolve to become even more helpful and accurate.
10. Courier jobs
Some couriers have already been replaced by drones and robots, and you can be certain that this job will eventually be even more automated than it already is. People like to receive their mail and the things they have ordered quickly, and AI is more than able to meet their needs.
11. Security guard jobs
Some businesses are already being protected by security robots that are equipped with cameras, microphones and infrared sensors. As this technology evolves and becomes more affordable, more and more buildings will rely on security robots instead of human security guards.
12. Fast food worker jobs
Some fast food restaurants already have an automated system that can take the orders of their customers. Eventually, robots might be able to replace fast food workers, so AI will take the orders, prepare them, and deliver them.
13. Taxi driver jobs
Self-driving vehicles already do exist, and in the future, they might be able to completely replace taxi drivers, and even bus drivers. People might still be worried about being driven around by a computer, but this fear will eventually disappear.
14. Farmer jobs
In Japan, some farms are already being operated by robot farmers. They can plant and harvest vegetables on their own, which means that in the future, AI might be able to replace many human farmers as the demand for food increases.
15. Doctor jobs
How would you feel if you were told that your next medical operation would be handled by a robot surgeon? The truth is that robots are already taking care of some operations, or simply assisting human doctors. In the future, AI could replace human doctors to diagnose patients through chatbots.