Many would argue the best place to buy a dog is from a certified dog breeder. This route involves asking the dog breeder a number of questions. The aim is to guide you in choosing the healthiest puppy you can get. Here are some of the questions you need to ask your certified dog breeder.
1. Are the Parents of the Puppies “Certified”?
There are breeds with genetic conditions such as eye, heart, and hip problems. These inherited diseases are passed from parent to the puppy. A specialist veterinarian evaluates and tests the puppies for genetic diseases to certify them as disease-free.
2. How big are the Parents of the Puppy?
To get the size of the dog you want, find out how big the puppy’s parents are.
3. Is It Possible to Meet the Puppy’s Parents?
Meeting the puppy’s parents will give you a chance to evaluate their health and temperament. Notice anything in their mannerism that suggests if they are aggressive, well adjusted, or shy. Only buy the puppy if you like the parent. Remember, the parent could be a reflection of your puppy all grown up.
4. How Do the Pups Behave around People and Other Dogs?
Is the puppy able to relate well to other dogs and people? This is especially critical for puppies aged between 6 and 16 weeks. A puppy’s positive and happy encounters with other puppies and people of different types, sizes and ages are the clearest indication of a well-adjusted dog.
5. Which Vaccines Has the Puppy Received?
It is important to know which and how many shots a puppy has so far received. Also, establish when it is due for the next shot.
6. Has the Puppy Been De-wormed?
Since puppies are born with worms, regular deworming is necessary. If this has not happened for a puppy, you may not be getting the healthiest dog possible.
7. Has Any of the Dog Breeder’s Puppies Been Sick?
If any of the puppies had been sick, identify what the signs of the sickness were, what was the diagnosis, and the treatment administered.
8. Has the Puppy Been Examined by a Veterinarian?
First, ask if a veterinarian has examined the puppy. Next, find out if it was declared “healthy”. If not, establish what the problem was and whether it was treated.
9. Does the Puppy Come with a Guarantee?
Find out if the breeder provides any guarantee for the puppy. For instance, what will they do if the puppy has a severe illness? It’s better to deal with this issue before buying the puppy rather than contend with it later.
10. Can the Breeder Recommend a Couple of Their Past Clients for You to Interview?
If the breeder is confident about their services, they won’t mind if you asked their past clients a few questions. Ask the clients if they were happy with the service, and the puppies they bought from the breeder. If they encountered problems with the puppies, ask them how they were solved.
11. Is There a Breeder’s Contract Involved?
Find out if a breeder’s contract is required. What does it include? Also, establish if the breeder would be ready to take back the puppy in case you cannot keep it.
12. What Is the Puppy’s Family History?
Any information about the puppy’s breed line is good to have. Ask what the average lifespan of dogs in the puppy’s lineage is. Also, establish what they commonly die from. Write down this information. It will help you monitor your dog as it ages.
13. What Is the Puppy Currently Feeding On?
Knowing what the breeder is currently feeding the puppy is key since you will need to feed it with the same food for the first few days to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal discomfort. If you wish, you can later gradually change the diet.
Knowing what questions to ask a certified dog breeder can be your best way of getting a socialized, well-adjusted dog.