Many people will choose a job that they know they will love, regardless of how much it pays. Others will choose a job according to the salary they could earn, along with the different benefits that complement this salary. Of course, it’s also perfectly possible to find a job that has the best of both worlds.
Ideally, you will work in a job that you love, and your employer will also provide you with an excellent benefits package. The quality of your job benefits is reliant on the type of employee benefits management in your organization. Some companies are more generous than others with an extra focus on taking care of their employees.
In addition, there are certain professions and industries that come with extra perks as part of the job. Here is a list of 10 prospective dream jobs with good benefits for the employees:
Job #1: IT support specialists
Working in IT is a dream profession for many people, especially if you are looking for comfortable jobs with good benefits. In general, IT jobs have a high salary and a variety of accommodating benefits for employees. These benefits usually include a very generous amount of time for parental leave.
An IT support specialist, like many other computer support specialists, gets to provide customer service to people who have issues with their computer or software. If you like working with computers, this could be a great job for you.
Job #2: Financial analysts
The finance sector might be a high-pressure industry, but it consists of many jobs with good benefits for employees. Professionals working in the finance industry enjoy many bonuses and benefits, including long parental leave, generous retirement packages, and more. They also get a chance to acquire skills and knowledge that can help them make the most of their own finances.
As a financial analyst, you would help your clients make smart investments, and reach their different financial goals. If you enjoy working with numbers, this could be a perfect job for you.
Job #3: Hospitality managers
Hospitality managers are overseeing facilities such as hotels and resorts. Part of their job is to make sure that guests are enjoying their experience, and to ensure the profitability of their facilities.
If you choose this career path, you will more likely develop some skills in accounting, human resources, and management, which could help you in many areas of your life. You could also enjoy great healthcare benefits, paid vacation time, free food, and many bonuses.
Job #4: Flight attendants
If you wish you could get paid to travel around the world, you should consider working as a flight attendant. This job is demanding, and flight attendants might have to deal with very unpleasant people, but they can also enjoy a lot of benefits.
As a flight attendant, you can travel for free, and even get your family or your friends to travel with you. Some airlines offer tuition reimbursement to their employees.
Job #5: Treasurers
A treasurer is responsible for the budget, the financial goals, and the corporate investments of the company or organization they are working for.
Like other professionals working in the finance industry, they get many interesting bonuses and benefits. If you are interested in this type of job, you will also get to develop your skills working in different industries, which could help advance your career.
Job #6: Radio DJs
If you love music, and you always seem to have something to say, you could probably be a great radio DJ. Getting started in this industry can be difficult, but it’s worth a try.
Radio DJs can enjoy a flexible schedule, they get to interview local celebrities and artists, they can hear new music before anyone else, and they can get free tickets to different shows and events.
Job #7: Journalists
If you love writing, and being aware of what goes on in your city or anywhere around the world, you could enjoy working as a journalist. Depending on what your specialty is, you could get free access to different events and go behind the scenes, travel around the world, interview celebrities, and see a lot of action.
Job #8: Sommeliers
If you love wine with a passion, becoming a sommelier could allow you to share your passion with the world, or at least, with the clients of the restaurant that will hire you.
One of the most interesting benefits of being a sommelier is that you will get a chance to taste rare and expensive wines, and to decide how they should be paired with the finest items on the menu. If you are lucky, you could get to travel around the world, and even meet celebrities.
Job #9: Trapeze artists
Working for a circus can seem like a childhood fantasy, but there are really people making a living as trapeze artists or acrobats. Circus artists get to travel a lot, and they usually have great health and life insurance. They get free meals and free lodging while they are on tour, and they can earn performance bonuses.
Job #10: Personal assistants
Being the personal assistant of a celebrity or of a business executive can be very demanding, but it can also be a rewarding job if you have what it takes.
You will have to answer the needs of your boss day after day, but you might get to dine in fancy restaurants, to attend red carpet events, to travel for free, and to enjoy many more benefits.